Children and Youth

Children in the Church

Children play an important role in the life of the church.  They are not only accepted in the sanctuary during worship but are expected!  We have activity bags, special lectionary based bulletins, coloring pages and puzzles available to help keep Children feeling comfortable and included throughout the service.  There is also a special time in the service for them.  Children light the candles each morning as worship begins and our reading aged children are encouraged to be lay readers.

We consider children to be a blessing, not a hindrance to our worship experience.  We also know that together we take an active role in helping them to learn about the worship space as they join us in celebrating God. 


Children and Youth

Children (Sunday School weekly after worship)

            Sunday Liturgists

Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday (link to Web)

            Time for children during Sunday Service

            Nursery (under age 5)

            Vacation Bible school

            Movie Theater

            Hand Chimes before church