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Community Use of the Building

Community Use of the Building

Community Use of the Building

In keeping in mind good stewardship and use of the large facility in which it is blessed with, the First Presbyterian Church of Ogdensburg allows many different organizations and sometimes individuals to use the church buildings.  By calling the church office community members and groups can schedule different spaces in the church buildings for their meetings and needs.  

Some examples of the things our buildings are often used for are the following: Scouts, the Green Market, AA, Mahjongg, showers, birthday parties, Pro Musica (local community choir), celebrations, WIC, movies, weddings, American Red Cross Blood Drives and the Ogdensburg Neighborhood Center.  Non-profit organizations use the facility for free and there is a small charge for others.


Building Use Policy

Spaces Available to the Public

  • The Sanctuary (for weddings and funerals; other uses must be approved by the Session)

(Not available from January 6 thru Palm Sunday)

  • Fellowship Hall and lower level Bathrooms (not available from Jan. 6 thru Palm Sunday)
  • Fellowship Hall Kitchen (not available from Jan. 6 thru Palm Sunday)
  • Ruth’s Room and Bathroom
  • Ruth’s Room Kitchen


Keys and Building Use Forms

    • A building use form must be filled out and filed at the church office for all organizations and individuals using any spaces within the First Presbyterian Church.  
    • All areas that are to be used must be listed on the building use form and agreed upon by the church staff. 
    • Those using the building must sign the building use form stating that they will take responsibility for making sure all church policies are followed and ensure that the church is locked and lights turned off when they leave.
    • A key to the area(s) to be used will be loaned to the person signing the form no more than 1 week prior to the event and must be returned no more than 3 working days after the event.  
    • All fees are to be paid prior to the event. 
    • Building use form on site


Lights and Doors

    • Upon leaving the facility all lights must be turned off.  The only exception is the light inside the doors to fellowship hall on the Franklin Street side; this light is a constant on light.
    • All doors must be closed and locked when leaving the facility.  Please go outside and check to ensure each door you opened is locked.  If you are using the sanctuary you must make sure the bolt on the right side is in place before locking the left door on both entrances.


Clean up

    • Please be sure to clean up after yourself. Our custodian is here to vacuum, mop and clean the bathrooms. 
    • The church is not responsible for any items inadvertently left behind.
    • Please put all furniture, tables and chairs back where you found them unless you have made other arrangements prior to your event.

Working to be Green

             Compost and Recycling

             Energy efficiency: worship in Fellowship Hall in winter, LED and other efficient lighting, turning off lights in unoccupied spaces.