2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Haley Baker | Nancy Mashaw | Carrie Demers |
Connie Martin Clerk | Chris Montpetit | Amy Richardson |
Karla Trimm | Marsha Snyder | Cheryl Richardson |
Carol Womelsdorf | Jean Tennant | Megan Sovie |
The Session is the Council of the church that exists to help the congregation and the church as a whole to be more faithful participants in the mission of Christ. They do so as they
Responding to the promise of God’s new creation in Christ, and inviting all people to participate in that new creation;
Welcoming those who are being engrafted into Christ, bearing witness to Christ’s saving death and resurrection, anticipating the heavenly banquet that is to come, and committing itself in the present o solidarity with the marginalized and the hungry; and
Living in the strength of God’s promise, and giving itself in service to God’s mission.
Ruling Elders: (G-2.0301)
“As there were in Old Testament times elders for the government of the people, so the New Testament church provided persons with particular gifts to share in discernment of God’s Spirit and governance of God’s people Accordingly, congregations should elect persons of wisdom and maturity of faith, having demonstrated skills in leadership and being compassionate in spirit. Ruling elders are so named not because the “lord it over” the congregation (Matt20:25), but because they are chosen by the congregation to discern and measure its fidelity to the Word of God, and to strengthen and nurture its faith and life. Ruling elders, together with teaching elders, exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a congregation as well as the whole church, including ecumenical relationships. When elected by the congregation, they shall serve faithfully as members of the session. When elected as commissioners to higher councils, ruling elders participate and vote with the same authority as teaching elders (pastors), and they are eligible for any office. “
2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Bonnie Barkley | Sally Baker | Marti Clark |
Doug Farley | Barb Hebert | Lin Griffin |
Sharon McCormick | Linda LaComb | Haley Baker Session Rep. |
Theresa Tolman | Nancy Skiff |
What does the Board of Deacons do?
The Board of Deacons meets for an hour on the third Tuesday of each month except July and August. They are the caring arm of the church and connect us to one another in times of both need and joy.
The Presbyterian Book of Order says;
The office of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, of exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, warm sympathies, and sound judgment should be chosen for this office.
(1) such information is gained outside of privileged communication; or
(2) she or he reasonably believes that there is risk of future physical harm or
The deacons of a particular church shall be organized in one or both of the following ways.
As the whole church is under the jurisdiction of the session, the board of deacons shall be under its supervision and authority. The records of the board of deacons shall be submitted to the session at least annually and at other times upon the request of the session. The session may void or amend any action of the board of deacons, or direct the board to reconsider such action.
2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Don Kerr | Val Testani | Bob Barkley |
Jana Norris | Don Woods | John Downey |
Rhonda Roethel | Lisa Young | Alanna Wright |
What do Trustees do?
Trustees take care of Buildings and Ground as well as finances for the Church. They do their work and then report and make recommendations for action to the Session. They meet monthly on the first Thursday.
This is a sub-committee of the Trustees. The finance committee reviews the church financial reports monthly as it meets with the bookkeeper. They put together the annual budget and bring it to the whole board of Trustees for their recommendation to Session. This group also manages and makes recommendations about Trusts, Investments and Endowments.